Saturday, June 25

Video: An Easy, Flat Fly-Front Zipper - Threads

Video: An Easy, Flat Fly-Front Zipper - Threads

In my umpthteenth attempt to make my own pair of pants.....
only recently I found this.I am on top of the world.
I used to find trousers very intimidating,but with this tute,hey it's no longer a challenge.


Lee said...

Hello Mak Teh, good for you! Not many women today can sew clothes, let alone a button.
And you can make your own pants too. Wayyyy to go, Mak Teh! Outstanding!

That was one thing I looked for in a woman's resume if they want to marry me, ha ha ha.
Have a nice day and keep a song in your heart.

MAK TEH said...

hello there uncle Lee.thank you for remembering,
yes,I am 52,but the passion fires me up...
hehehe...boleh jimat banyak kan?x payah hantar ke tailor..clever you...

you too,have a nice day,and be good.

Niena Muhammad said...

thanks sbb sudi singgah di blog sy yg kecik tu :D

Anonymous said...

Hey Mak Teh - I have just found your blog via a link from Rebecca's site. The first thing I see is a link to that wonderful zipper fly tutorial that saved me from being terrified of making trousers too. Isn't it fantastic? I have recently made trou for my mum and they turned out, well, the fly was fantastic and the rest was OK. All I need now is lots more practice. Keep it up.

Kak rus said...

Salam Mak Teh.....dok buat apa tuuu?Dok menjahit seluar kaaa?
Rajinnya Mak Teh....dulu-dulu kak rus pun jahit seluar sendiri...tapi la ni sejak dpt servical spondolisis ni kak rus beli seluar yg murah-murah saja.....salam...Bulan Shaaban bulan Nabi Muhammad dan Selamat Menyambut Bulan Ramadhan al Mubarak bulan umatnya.Allahuakbar!