Let us see my cake,[MOH] brought home this...Mak Teh tak nak lah bake my own cake...- SEDAP....gone in split seconds.DON yang paling banyak makan....he really gobbled it down just like that.
Presents??? I got lots and lots of hugs and kisses,not to mention birthday wishes-so many of them-I thank all for remembering-lots of phone calls-tak menang tangan Mak Teh mengangkat gagang telepon-It began with a call from Pappoo{ my eldest hero } -exactly at midnight...then nonstop lah..sampai, gaya nak pegang pisau,bunyi lagi...last last Mak Teh dok congok depan telepon menunggu-malaih aih nak pi mai pi mai...dok tang tu jugak....LOL..save energy Mak Teh -agaknya turun 3/3 lb dok pi mai pi mai....hi..hi..hi...
Oh ya,my 13yr old gave a veeery nice present...he thinks his mama is a "GREEN FANATIC"-so he gave me an album made of all sorts of recycled items-like scraps of twigs and sticks,dried flowers and leaves and of course recycled papers soo ...cuute.
Oh ,I have to stop now-Ajeeem pulak nak dok tang ni..I will continue later when everybody has vanished!!!!!! Hmmm......My Other Half said..it's a vanilla with lots and lots of almond all around
Debaran for my 15yr old dah over-now I am anxiously waiting for another one ,next November,my 17yr old will be sitting for his SPM......oh gosh...my heart never stop beating fast .it seems...jangan pengsan dah la,coz of the anxiety..looking forward to seeing him then-just to be there,in case he needs us-nak extend our moral support lah....
syukur alhamdulillah...Ajeem selesai PMR nya....lega rasa Mak Teh,tapi tak sepenuhnya..esok Ajeem akan ambil Ujian Kecenderungan Kemasukan Ke MRSM untuk pemilihan ke ting. 4...tak boleh raya lagi la awang tu...tapi tadi selesai saja periksa dia dah sambut dgn dentuman mercun [dibawanya pagi tadi-disimpan khusus utk hari ini] See his happy face!!!!